

以顏色及質感來喚起感官享受。系列由奧地利設計師 Erwin Leo Himmel 構思,以奪目的色彩為浴室空間注入歡愉且自由自在的氣氛。尤有甚之,其和諧的形狀及紋理飾面令人愛不惜手。著名顧問公司 Nelly 的創意經理 Vincent Gregoire 精心挑選了多種顏色,令這一系列成為真真正正喚發感官觸覺的恩物。

More reference projects

Sheraton Huzhou

Designed by world renowned emerging architectural master Ma Yansong, the Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort Hotel is the only international luxury hotel in Huzhou, making it one of the most prestigious icons in the city.

Beijing Olympic buildings

Almost 15,000 Roca's products, including faucets, washbasins and toilets, were installed in Beijing's Olympic buildings: a number of hotels, the Olympic Village, two stadiums and the Security Command Centre for the Olympics.